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Jullan Stoneberg

Words For These Times: “Write-Ins for President” by Leath Tonino

President’s Day is Feb 17th.  Typically, a president is the person we entrust with the direction and administration of our communities. The president’s perspective, in an ideal world, is one that inspires and guides us. Who do you want to entrust with leadership and guidance? Here’s a great poem that may have you looking for leadership in new places.   “Write-Ins… Read More »Words For These Times: “Write-Ins for President” by Leath Tonino

Identity and Inclusion

Widening the circle of inclusion is always limited by a group’s identity, so that the push to be inclusive gets tugged at by resistance to changing who we are. Who belongs at FUS, and what are the costs, and the benefits, of exclusion?

Words For These Times: “Because” by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

If we can’t save the world, what can we do? In these poignant words, the poet suggests that we can practice opening our hearts, can practice being gentle with our insufficiency, can practice walking down the street heart first. Seems like good advice to me!  “Because” by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer  So I can’t save the world—  can’t save even myself,… Read More »Words For These Times: “Because” by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

Words For These Times: “The Way it Is” by Lynn Ungar 

Without a doubt, it is clear that this life is absolutely NOT turning out the way I would have planned. I suspect that you wouldn’t have wanted the world to be this way either.   Except that, in so many unexpected and beautiful moments, we stumble upon patches of ‘good enough’ that get us through…patches carefully filled in by workers and… Read More »Words For These Times: “The Way it Is” by Lynn Ungar 

Words For These Times: “Because We Spill Not Only Milk” by Nancy Shaffer

Because we spill not only milkKnocking it over with an elbowWhen we reach to wipe a small faceBut also spill seed on soil we thought was fertile but isn’t,And also spill whole lives, and only later see in fading lightHow much is gone and we hadn’t intended it  Because we tear not only clothThinking to find a true edge and… Read More »Words For These Times: “Because We Spill Not Only Milk” by Nancy Shaffer

Words For These Times: Issue 3

Here comes 2025! Is every holiday season and turn of the year like this? For some reason, THIS year, I need reminders that I can still make choices in my life, no matter what’s swirling in the world around me. With the help of my community, I can still make the best of it. These words of F. Scott Fitzgerald… Read More »Words For These Times: Issue 3

Words For These Times: Issue 1

In the words of Isabel Call: “It may be uncomfortable to hear about ‘the genocide of millions of Native people, the theft of Native lands, and the relentless assault on Native culture’ as you prepare for your Thanksgiving festivities. We celebrate Thanksgiving because gratitude is essential to human life. But grief is essential for healing our history of violence. It’s… Read More »Words For These Times: Issue 1