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Social Justice Updates

Protect Minnesota Ratepayers

The Ratepayers Protection Act SF4426/HF4292 will ensure that Minnesota utility customers are not paying for costs associated with utilities’ political influence activities, including lobbying, membership in industry trade associations that advocate for utility interests, and marketing initiatives or event sponsorships. It includes expanded disclosures to ensure transparency, and enforcement mechanisms to encourage compliance. Message:  Please support the Ratepayers Protection Act… Read More »Protect Minnesota Ratepayers

Improve E-Waste Recycling

The 100% Collection Bill SF3940/HF3566 improves e-waste recycling. This Minnesota bill relating to solid waste establishes a program to collect and recycle electronic waste.The program will cover all of Minnesota. Message:  Please support the 100% Collection Bill SF3940/HF3566 which establishes a program to improve e-waste recycling in Minnesota. Please contact your Minnesota STATE senator and representative: Speaker of the MN… Read More »Improve E-Waste Recycling

Reduce Packaging

The Minnesota legislature is about to consider the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Bill. It is considered a strong bill for the following reasons: 1) It reduces single-use packaging by 50% over 10 years. 2) It rejects so-called chemical recycling from counting as recycling. 3) It eliminates a shift to plastic packaging labled as compostable. 4) It holds companies that make… Read More »Reduce Packaging

Support End-of-Life Options

Initially introduced nine years ago, the Minnesota End–of-Life Option Act (HF 1930/SF 1813) is again before our State Legislature. This action followed a House Hearing on January 24 providing opportunity for heartfelt emotional testimony, pro and con. Patterned after Oregon’s ground-breaking Death with Dignity of 25 years ago, the legislation applies only to competent adults, 18 years or older, who… Read More »Support End-of-Life Options

Deny PolyMet

Governor Walz and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources have been told by an administrative law judge that PolyMet’s proposed permit to mine would violate Minnesota rules and should be denied. Now the Governor and DNR must make a decision. Tell Governor Walz to deny the permit and move on from PolyMet. The choice is in his hands. Message:  Recently,… Read More »Deny PolyMet

Protect Minnesota’s Water

News from last year exposed concerning issues with the common theme of polluting and corporate industries exercising too much control over the decisions our public agencies make. Examples include: A judge found that PolyMet’s proposed permit to mine, previously approved by the Department of Natural Resources, would violate Minnesota’s law. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture administers a program of farm… Read More »Protect Minnesota’s Water

Protecting Minnesota Waters

A January Series – Presented by Active Voices and the Climate Action Team January 14, 12pm – 1pm: What are the Top Water Issues Facing Minnesota today? | WATCH LIVE HERE Presenter: Steve Ring, Chair – Water and Wetlands Stewards, Sierra Club North Star Chapter Steve will share the top water quality and quantity challenges facing our state, and give… Read More »Protecting Minnesota Waters

Support the PUPP Act

The bipartisan Providing for Unhoused People with Pets (PUPP) Act of 2023 (H.R. 3957) aims to address the intersecting issues of homelessness and animal welfare by supporting the adoption of pet-friendly policies in homeless services. The act authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture, in consultation with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, to make grants to modify and upgrade structures… Read More »Support the PUPP Act

Ban Animal Testing

The Humane Cosmetic Act would outlaw cosmetic animal testing and also prohibit the sale of any cosmetic product that has been tested on animals. If passed, it would bring the U.S. in line with over 40 other countries which have already prohibited cosmetics animal testing. A bipartisan delegation reintroduced the legislation on September 12, and The Personal Care Products Council… Read More »Ban Animal Testing

Let’s Stop Poisoning Minnesotans’ Water

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has told the state of Minnesota to alert residents to the hazards of nitrates in drinking water and clean up farm pollution that has contaminated wells in southeastern Minnesota for years. Water supplies for more than 9,200 people in southeastern Minnesota are likely contaminated with dangerous levels of nitrates — according to a November letter… Read More »Let’s Stop Poisoning Minnesotans’ Water