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Home > Community > Volunteers


Our congregation is powered by volunteers who do everything from serving in leadership roles to baking cinnamon rolls, from raising funds to raising the flowers on our beautiful property. Below are just some of the ways you can contribute your time and talent while getting to know great people and helping FUS fulfill its mission as a congregational humanist community.


When the First Unitarian Society building is open for Sunday Assemblies, greeters and ushers help welcome people to the space and orient them to the Assembly.

Online Media and Tech Team

The team handles all media production, including video and audio production, website maintenance, and social media. Anyone with an interest in video editing, audio engineering, website upkeep, graphic design, or project management is welcome to join. No experience necessary.


Social activities

Care for the congregation

For members

Reach out

For more info about specific volunteer opportunities, send us an email.