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Ways to Give

Annual Fund Campaign

As an independent and self-supporting congregation, most of our funding comes from pledged donations. We encourage our members and friends to make a pledge annually. Thank you to our members and friends for your ongoing and continued support!

Pledges of all sizes are welcome. Your pledge reflects the value you place on this community in your life. Our theme this year is “Embracing Our Future Together”. Pledges made by mid-March help us greatly with our financial planning for the upcoming fiscal year.

Make your pledge online

Download a pledge form (PDF)

For further reading:

Thank you for all you do for First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis!

Building congregational humanism

The future of Congregational Humanism depends on the generosity of members and friends. Your gift supports our Sunday programs, music events, child & adult education programs, and the social justice efforts of our members, friends, and ministerial leadership. Congregational and community giving accounts for most of our income. Gifts of all sizes are welcome.

Your gift to the First Unitarian Society is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Please consult your tax advisor if you have specific questions. Ways to give:

  • Online giving form (same as “Give Now” button above)
  • Collection during Sunday assembly
  • Mail or drop off cash or a check
  • Planned giving / bequests
  • Gifts of stock or appreciated securities
  • In-kind donations that meet the needs of the community
  • Text-to-give: (612) 688-9877. How it works:
    give 10 annual sends $10 to the annual fund
    give 10 special sends $10 to the current special collection
    give 10 meal sends $10 to our mini-meal after assembly, but every 2nd Sunday of the month, your gift goes to the community meal at Plymouth Congregational

    The first time you use text-to-give, if you leave off the tag (“annual”, “special”, “meal”), your donation goes to the annual fund. After the first time, if you leave off the tag, it goes to the last tag you used. Not all our funds are set up for text-to-give. If you would like to use this payment method for a fund you don’t see, please let us know and we can include it.

Changing Circumstances

We know that individual circumstances can change in all communities. If you find yourself in such a situation, please contact one of the ministers to discuss a waiver. We hope that you find our community of value as we value your being a part of our community.