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Ban Animal Testing

The Humane Cosmetic Act would outlaw cosmetic animal testing and also prohibit the sale of any cosmetic product that has been tested on animals. If passed, it would bring the U.S. in line with over 40 other countries which have already prohibited cosmetics animal testing. A bipartisan delegation reintroduced the legislation on September 12, and The Personal Care Products Council supports the act. In the U.S., eleven states have passed laws to end the sale of animal-tested cosmetics. However, because there is no legislation that bans cosmetic animal testing on a national level, cosmetic companies in the U.S. are still legally allowed to perform invasive tests on animals. These experiments range from skin and eye irritation tests where chemicals are dripped into the eyes of restrained rabbits to widely condemned “lethal dose” tests.

Message:  Please support H.R. 5399 – the Humane Cosmetics Act of 2023. This crucial legislation aims to ban cosmetic animal testing and the sale of animal-tested cosmetic products in the U.S.

Please contact your U.S. Representative:

U.S. Rep. BRAD FINSTAD (1st Congressional District) – 202-225-2472 or to submit email

U.S. Rep. ANGIE CRAIG (2nd Congressional District) – 651-846-2120 (Burnsville), 202-225-2271 (Washington) or to submit email

U.S. Rep. DEAN PHILLIPS (3rd Congressional District) – 952-656-5176 (Minnetonka), 202-225-6351(Washington) or to submit email

U.S. Rep. BETTY MCCOLLUM (4th Congressional District) – 651-224-9191 (St.Paul), 202-225-6631 (Washington) or to submit email

U.S. Rep. ILHAN OMAR (5th Congressional District) – 612-333-1272 (Minneapolis), 202-225-4755 (Washington) or to submit email

U.S. Rep. TOM EMMER (6th Congressional District) – 763-241-6847 (Otsego), 202-225-2331 (Washington) or to submit email

U.S. Rep. MICHELLE FISCHBACH (7th Congressional District) – 202-225-2165 (DC) or to submit email

U.S. Rep. PETE STAUBER (8th Congressional District) – 218-355-0862 (Brainerd) or to submit email

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