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Spring 2022 Climate Justice Team Events

The FUS Climate Justice Team is digging in, and we invite you to join us! Here are a few ways to get engaged with our efforts:

“Be the Spark” training

Sundays, March 13 & 27 from 1 to 5 p.m. in the Lower Assembly Hall. FUS & Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light (MNIPL) are partnering to present a Unitarian Universalist specific “Be the Spark” training. This is a deep dive into organizing and strategizing for sustained action for intersectional climate justice. UUs from across the state will be participating, building a cohort of activists for the earth.

Earth Day events

Sunday, April 17

Sunday Assembly will focus on “Awakening to Hope” about actions for the Earth, followed by a water ritual in Thomas Lowry Park, featuring Heart of the Beast puppets.

Saturday, April 23

We will have activities in the park which include clean up, advocacy opportunities, refreshments, and more. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details.  

Tree Planting

Partnering with Tree Trust, FUS volunteers will plant trees in areas that most need green cover. When we learn more details in March, we will post them in the FUS Friday Update email.  

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