Minnesotans have seen and experienced the horror of needless gun killings of adults and children in the last few months. None of these tragic deaths would have happened if guns had not been in the hands of children or adults ineligible to possess a firearm. It is time to pass some simple common sense gun laws that help keep ineligible people from getting guns and will keep children from playing with loaded guns and accidentally shooting themselves or others. There are two bills in the Minnesota state legislature that could prevent some future gun tragedies. SF4312 and HF4300 will establish standards for the safe storage of firearms and criminal penalties for failing to meet those standards. Additionally, SF5153 and HF2609 will increase penalties for transferring firearms to certain persons who are ineligible to possess firearms.
Message: SF4312 and HF4300 will establish standards for the safe storage of firearms and criminal penalties for failing to meet those standards. Additionally, SF5153 and HF2609 will increase penalties for transferring firearms to certain persons who are ineligible to possess firearms. I urge you to support these bills now!
Please contact your Minnesota STATE senator and representative and legislative leadership:
Minnesota House Leader Melissa Hortman – 651-296-4280
Minnesota Senate Majority Leader Erin Murphy – 651-296-5931
MINNESOTA Senators – DON’T KNOW YOUR SENATOR? Look her or him up here: https://www.gis.leg.mn/iMaps/districts/
MINNESOTA Representatives – DON’T KNOW YOUR REP? Look her or him up here: https://www.gis.leg.mn/iMaps/districts/
Is your organization looking for a four-up post card template? Print this on 8.5″ x 11″ post card-weight paper.
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