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Home > Our Whole Lives Facilitator Training for Elementary Ages

Our Whole Lives Facilitator Training for Elementary Ages

November 3-5   Friday thru Sunday 


     First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis 

     900 Mount Curve Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55403 

Registration Fee: $325 payable here

FUS (First Unitarian Society) contact:  

Phone: 952-258-9283 

This fee includes: 

  • Registration for the training 
  • Snacks, beverages & dinner on Friday
  • Snacks, beverages, breakfast & lunch on Saturday 
  • Snacks, beverages, breakfast & lunch on Sunday 

NOT included in the registration fee: Travel, lodging, and OWL curricula. 

Registration will remain open until filled and a waitlist will be available. To hold this training, we will need a minimum number of participants. 

Please register before October 20th if possible.


Check-in: Friday, November 3 at 1p.m.  

Training Hours: 

  • Friday (11/3) 1:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. 
  • Saturday (11/4) 8:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. 
  • Sunday (11/5) 8:00 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. 

A detailed schedule will be included in the participant welcome letter sent via email about one week before training. 

Note: Attendance is required at all parts of each training session to be eligible for OWL facilitator certification (per Unitarian Universalists Association requirements). No exception. Training participants must be 21 years old at the time of the training (per Unitarian Universalist Association requirements). Registration is limited to 20 participants.


Participants must obtain and bring their own copies of the curriculum to the training; either the 4-6 grade or the K-1 editions. Your congregation may provide the books, so please inquire before purchasing. The two required books are listed below, along with links to purchase through the UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association) bookstore. Links for companion books are below as well. Please look the materials over and become familiar with them before you arrive.

Questions? Need More Information: 

For more information about this training, please contact . · 952-258-9283 text or call. 

  • Assisted Listening devices are available. 
  • We are wheelchair accessible.

Please sign up here:

NB: You are responsible for contacting the payor if that is not yourself.