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climate change

Support the “Green Bank” Bill

As the clean energy transition moves forward, let’s ensure the transition is just and equitable. Support climate innovation and equity through the “green bank” bills. HF 2336/SF2301 would establish the Minnesota Climate Innovation Finance Authority (MnCIFA) to bridge financing gaps in clean energy production, establish regional offices around the state to provide technical and financial assistance and take advantage of… Read More »Support the “Green Bank” Bill

Support Climate Crisis Mitigation

Addressing the climate crisis (getting to Net 0 by 2050) requires a two–pronged approach. Although the primary means is stopping climate pollution, it is also necessary to protect and expand natural carbon sequestration through the preservation of lowland conifer stands. These treed wetlands occur on mucky mineral or wet organic soils and include richly forested peatlands or bogs. Minnesota lowland… Read More »Support Climate Crisis Mitigation