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No Pipelines for Carbon

Over 2,000 miles of C02 pipelines – proposed to be used for Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) – are currently proposed across the midwest, traversing Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, and the Dakotas. It is claimed that they would carry carbon dioxide “captured” from ethanol plants and other industrial sites, but carbon capture and storage is complicated and unproven. The basic… Read More »No Pipelines for Carbon

Low Carbon Fuel Standard Is Not A Solution

The Clean Transportation Standard Act (SF2584/HF2602) proposes to reduce the carbon intensity of transportation fuel with a Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS), but it is a false solution that is not possible with ethanol. A recent study from the University of Wisconsin “found that the carbon intensity of corn ethanol produced under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is no less… Read More »Low Carbon Fuel Standard Is Not A Solution

Encourage Solar Energy Use

To increase the use of residential solar energy systems, HF5171 and SF5271 will grant financial incentives to permitting authorities charged with the application approval process to utilize SolarAPP, a solar automated software system. This program is offered by the US Department of Energy free of charge. It will greatly simplify and streamline the approval time, a process which now is… Read More »Encourage Solar Energy Use

Protect Minnesota Ratepayers

The Ratepayers Protection Act SF4426/HF4292 will ensure that Minnesota utility customers are not paying for costs associated with utilities’ political influence activities, including lobbying, membership in industry trade associations that advocate for utility interests, and marketing initiatives or event sponsorships. It includes expanded disclosures to ensure transparency, and enforcement mechanisms to encourage compliance. Message:  Please support the Ratepayers Protection Act… Read More »Protect Minnesota Ratepayers

100% Clean Energy

The 100% Clean Energy Bill (SF4) will put us on the path to achieve 80% carbon-free electricity by 2030 and a 100% carbon-free electricity system by 2040. Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy experts analyzed this bill using modeling software and found that if it is passed into law, it would reduce climate pollution by a cumulative 273 million metric tons… Read More »100% Clean Energy