Raise your hand if this is for you!
The Transition Team is looking for individuals who want to be part of some far-reaching conversations to lay the groundwork for FUS’ path forward. Whoever you are, wherever you live, whatever your communication preferences, you are invited to be part of this.
Here’s what’s required:
- A commitment and a readiness to engage with questions in conversation with others
- A willingness to seek out and to listen openly to a diversity of perspectives
- Participating in some combination of these things:
- an email group that will engage in monthly questions
- a physical display at FUS where you may post your feedback
- a monthly in-person gathering (2 hours) facilitated by Rev. Jullan to delve more deeply into a “question of the month.”
This will begin in January and will likely continue through June. The first in-person gathering will be on Sunday, Feb 2, following the mini-meal. January’s question will be posed early in the month with input collected up to Feb 2. (Spoiler alert: January’s question will be about leadership and trust.)
To learn more, speak to any member of the Transition Team or send an email to the team using our contact form on the website.
To indicate that you want to join this initiative, please sign up by Jan 5 HERE.