Shaped by our cultures, we also shape our cultures, the cultures that shape us. We want to know this community: What has been its journey? What challenges have we taken on?
As this congregation prepares to self-survey next year for the choosing of our next settled minister, we want to know who we have been and who we want to be. To this purpose, the Transition Team has planned 5-minute snap-shots of six periods in the Society’s 143 year history. You will also be seeing physical and/or online material on each period in the gallery and lower assembly. On the last Sunday – or near last Sunday of upcoming months, you’ll hear the 5-minute snap-shot during the assembly and be invited to a discussion in more depth after lunch. We hope to hear from each of you how you see the challenges of that historical period as relevant today. We want each to be heard so we learn who we have been and who we want to be.
Mark the date for our first ‘FUS History Smash’ on January 19: Activism in the Gilded Age 1870 – 1910. The post-assembly discussion will be held in the Chalice Room at 12:15. A Zoom link will also be provided.